Friday 28 December 2012

New Year...New Us!

Are you getting ready for the 2013 New Start?

Start clearing out the cupboards of "Treat ONLY" foods...

Find your tape measure and get new batteries for the weighing scales...

See you here at the BlogSpot, January 3rd.

We're getting ready for a flying start!


PS - I've just ordered a pedometer...

Tuesday 13 November 2012

This week...

So, how have you done this week? Ready for a weigh in? Any thoughts?

This is how my week has gone…

Tuesday. Full of motivation. Really excited. Definitely going to eat healthily, record everything, drink at least 8 glasses of water, etc.
Tuesday afternoon. My niece, Katie comes to the Warehouse after school, and innocently asks if I’m popping out at all. Just so happens that the sweet shop is next door, and I do need a bit of a break. The seed has been sown. ..
Lasted about 3 mins. Sweets galore. Obviously not for me, but I just couldn’t help myself.

Friend’s birthday. I know that I could have made better food choices, and frankly, I needn’t have finished up with the cheese and biscuits course, or even have eaten the person sitting next to me's untouched cheese, as well as my own…

Too tired to make any proper food. Crisps galore. Out to a friend’s Christmas Shopping event. Obviously, I had to show my support, and absolutely, had to be socialable, and have lots of the lovely red wine, and the gorgeous samples of food… Had fab time…

Out for lunch. Again, needn’t have had a glass of wine, especially as I really dislike drinking anything alcoholic during the day, but hey ho, no will power there… The cafĂ© was next door to a gorgeous deli, with loads of sampling. Again, would be wasteful not to try, oh, and needed some extra cheese for dinner tonight…(why?)

Saturday. Not too bad, but interspersed with crisps.
Saturday evening. Just arranged to pick up some quilts from Linda Seward, for our Warehouse Open Days this week – Thursday  and Sunday (her quilts are fab.). As luck would have it, Linda is going to be at the gym in the morning, so I can meet her there. Lots of good intentions. Have decided to go to the gym too.

Sunday morning.
My partner, John brought me coffee in bed (he is so lovely!). Started reading Rosemary Conley’s Inch Loss diet. She says that we can lose 1 stone in 1 month. I’m sticking with Rosemary this month, for sure.
Spent too much time reading about how to diet and exercise. Ran out of time, so decided to just see Linda at the coffee shop at the gym. Besides, had already had a shower, and didn’t have time to have another one, after having been at the gym, which I know I would have needed as I would have worked so hard excercising….
Decided against that idea. Met her had the Warehouse instead.
Redeemed myself by going for a walk in the afternoon. Needed sugar supplies, just in case we all got too tired, so armed our pockets with sweets. Had a fab time!

On the plus side, had a lovely time on Saturday, recovering cushions that Bella, our house bunny has ripped to threads. Absolutely love our new designs! Took me 2 hours to recover 7 cushions. Love them!

So, this morning, got up, had a shower, shaved my legs, cut my hair (everything helps), and stood on the scales.
I truly cannot believe it. I have lost 2lbs. I’m certain that this was a fluke, but it’s a start.

I’ve two more cushions to make, and I’m armed with the Rosemary Conley cookbook. This coming week, I have more of a chance.

My personal trainer did send me a text this afternoon, asking if I wanted to train tomorrow morning. 

Afraid not. Surely, no one ever actually wants to do exercise……
I suppose that I’ll have to drag myself there this week though. I need to consolidate my 2lbs, afterall!
Let us know what sort a week that you’ve had, and how your weight loss has gone.  

All support appreicated

Wednesday 7 November 2012

So, I weighed myself this morning, and dare I say it, I need to lose about 2 stone.

I'm told that taking a before photo can be really motivating, and also to take body measurements, as often when the scales show no change, the tape measure inspires.

So, first challenge: take your measurements - waist, bust, hips, widest part, and take a photo. Put on your favourite outfit, and a big smile. This is the start of something new! We can share the photos tomorrow, if you'd like to. If not, then it'll just be me!

Next challenge - my trainer says that planning is key. To succeed, you should plan breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and evening meal. If you plan, you are less likely to stray. I've tried this, and it does work,as it takes away the stress of feeling hungry, and then eating everything in the house...for me, normally sweets, crips and a glass of wine (or more....). Also, Kitty, who works with us, and who incidentally is perfectly proportioned, announces her dinner choices for practically the full week, on a Monday morning...

I've found a great web place for recording food choices, and measurements - all free.

Now, for the stitching inspiration, because, if we are stitching, we are not eating, and if we are inspired, then we are happy and full of energy, so not comfort eating....

Have a look at the latest collections coming from our fabric designers. Now there, is some inspiration! Sooo exciting!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Lady Sew and Sew Slim & Stitch Club begins!

Now, I know that it was not going to start until January, but I've put on so much weight with the last few shows, that, let's face it if I leave it until January, I will be as big as a you mind if we start earlier?

This is what we are all going to look like.....

and we are going to produce quilts that look like the back drop...